The first step to create your online store is to add the Products Screen to your workspace.
To add the e-commerce component to a page of your website:
Click on the Elements bar on the left.
Click on E-commerce.
Click on Products Screen.
You can customize the Products Screen as you prefer:
Left-click on the Products Screen component.
Click on Edit Screen.
Click on E-commerce Management to configure your e-commerce.
Click on the Pencil icon to change the preview settings. You can modify the number of products per row, the height and margin of the images, text rows, and the number of previews per page.
Click on Image Settings to change the image sizes in the tab or pop-ups.
Click on Colors to change the background of previews and buttons.
Click on Text Styles to change the font and size of product titles, prices, and buttons.
Click on Advanced to:
Enable or disable the search bar.
Sort products alphabetically, by price, by insertion date, by code, or by quantity.
Show or hide prices with VAT.
Enable zoom.
Customize elements (label, view button, available quantity, number of items, social icons).
Animate the preview.
Filter by category.
Choose the display mode for products (Pop-up or Landing Page).
The landing page must contain the Product Card component.
Note: The landing page must contain the Product Card component. You can set the same page with the Product Search component as the landing page to include the e-commerce Products Screen component.